KOTALAPARRU is a small village of penugonda mandal with sparse population
The village is known for Sri Keshava swamy temple which is swayambhu ..The history of this place goes like this
This village is exsisting from adhi krutha yuga (ref: bhramanda puranam 11 cantos).The sage Parasara worshipped and installed sri nrusimha perumal in korukonda and started his journey towards goutami tributary of godavari.While doing his daily rituals he found Keshava swamy diety of salagrama stone and he started accompanying with the holy idol doing all sacred rituals. when he came to present place he did all the rituals and diety is unable to moved by Parasara and by Almighty order he did prathishta there and from there the place is called Keshava puri..After many reigns the temple and the city there had underwent many setbacks and finally instarting of Kaliyuga it became a dense forest..and many times in Kaliyuga Sri Keshava perumal is found after removal of trees with axe (sanskrit axe is called kutaram) and hence the place is called kutara puri then rituals are done and many times yet temple got closed in forest..
In 14th century The king Ra
nga vardhana (converted saivaite formerly known as Manchukonda Mummidi Naidu) had good intrest on this temple and he gave the admistration rights to his guru (Sudarshan Bhattar grand son-Srutha Parkasaka from Srirangam)and In 18th century Mogaltur king Raja Kalidindi Tirupathi raju gave lands from near by villages Panditavilluru and Munamarru etc (refernce by sasanas and books available)....Very later in 17 th century again the diety is in earth and the former tahsildhar Vangipuram Venkata raghavacharyas wife srimathi venkata lakshmi got dream abt the diety presence in earth and they with the help of their children and villagers dug the earth and finally they got diety and the lady by selling her ornaments she made the temple and her 3rd son Sitharamacharya has completed all sorrounding temples viz. Rama,Nrusimha,lakshmi narayan,Selvapillai,Varadha raja,Srinivasa,Rangantha,and Krishna and both thayar sannidhis beautifully ..In the year 1811 the asthana vidhwan of Mogaltur Sri Nallan Chakravarthula Tathacharya swami has bought Sriramanuja,12 alwars into temple and made it as Divya sthalam followed from Thiruvellakaeni (presently Triplicane Sripartha sarathy temple)
Tatacharya swami started the Ramanuja aradhana utsavas where till today they are done with presence of srivaishnava bhramins and vaishnava bagavtahras...
The temple is followed according to Sri Vaikhanasa Agama and bhramotsvas are in month of April and ramanuja utsavas are in month of may.
To protect the Tradition given by elders and holy saints,many sampradaya abhimanis came forward to start
on the auspicious day of Diwali, which is also the Thirunakshathram day of Paramahamsa Sri Sri Sri Thridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji.
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