This year the goddess arrives on an elephant and departs on boat. Goddess Durga's arrival on elephant signifies good harvest while her departure on boat signifies good harvest and flood.
Let us celebrate Durga Puja in a whole new way this year, and welcome Goddess Peddamma with an open heart and festive fervor.
The Supreme power and the mother of all Gods and Goddesses, Maa Peddamma is the ultimate primordial being and the demon slayer. This Devi with lush black hair, beautiful eyes and ten hands dawned on earth to establish the supremacy of goodness over evil. In a battle fought over a span of ten days, Maa Durga wins the ceaseless battle between Gods and demons. Durga pujo is a way to celebrate this eternal manifestation of truth and purity. Devi Durga, the daughter of Himalaya, is an epitomy of graceful beauty, motherliness, and the strong and valor warrior.
The legend of Maa Peddamma has several renditions and so does the story behind Peddamma Puja. According to the most prevalent tale, the male gods of heaven created Devi Durga, the wrathful goddess, an incarnation of Ma Sati (Lord Shiva's wife). A powerful demon named, Mahishasur (born out of the union of Rambha, the demon king and a water buffalo), who could easily change his form from human to buffalo dethroned Indra, the king of Heavens. This demon was bestowed by a unique boon from Brahmadev, whereby neither Man nor God could defeat him. Utter chaos and dismay prevailed through the entire heaven. All the Gods were shunned out of their golden seats. Defeated and disheartened the Gods request the Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) to save them from annihilation.
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