The Society for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency (SSAAT) - Andhra Pradesh, has been set-up with a vision to uphold the concept of eternal vigilance by the people, facilitated by social activists and Government acting in conjunction.
SSAAT's mission is to promote the empowerment of rural communities directly benefiting from welfare schemes such as the MGNREGS and minimisation of leakage and wastage of public funds.
The improvement of the quality of the programme or scheme in terms of its efficacy, local appropriateness, and achievement of social objectives by developing among the beneficiaries a sense of ownership towards the programme or scheme.
What is Social Audit?
Social audit is a process by which an attempt is made to find out whether the benefits of the project/activities reach the people for whom it is meant. It is a democratic process in which all stakeholders involved in a particular project takes part. Social audit is not only an audit of expenses or decisions but also covers the issues of equity and quality in programme implementation. It is a verification of Government records with people and the works/projects executed at the field level in great detail.
In a Social Audit, the people and the government jointly monitor the project. It brings on board the perceptions and knowledge of the people, involves people in the task of verification and also brings about much greater acceptability of the government.
Background of Social Audits in AP
While successive Governments till date have spent crores of rupees on poverty alleviation yet, stark poverty and inequalities remain due to the fact that intended benefits of the programs do not reach the targeted clientele i.e. the poor. There is dilution and deviation in the implementation of the programs. More often than not the targeted poor are not aware of either the objectives or elements of the program.
While streamlining of service delivery systems and ensuring that transparency and accountability are made an intrinsic part of governance, it is equally important that the poor for whom the programs are implemented are made aware of their rights and entitlements and participate in the program design, decision making processes and monitoring and evaluation of the program.It is in this context that the concept of Social Audit has become important, where in the community audits the program and its implementation. Coupled with the Right to Information Act, Social Audits have tremendous potential in bringing out and ultimately reducing corruption, malpractices and deviations and in the process cleaning up the implementation of the program.
Social Audit of the MGNREGS-AP
An integral part of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act pertains to the role of 'Social Audits' as a means of continuous public vigilance (MGNREGA, Section 17) for ensuring public accountability and transparency in the implementation of projects, laws and policies.
The social audit process as it is being implemented in AP, includes public vigilance and verification of the various stages of implementation following which 'Social Audit Forums - Public Hearings' are organized where information is read out publicly, and people are given an opportunity to question officials, seek and obtain information, verify financial expenditure, examine the provision of entitlements, discuss the priorities reflected in choices made, and critically evaluate the quality of works as well as the functioning of the programme staff.
Thus, the Social Audit Public Hearing not only gives people an opportunity to review compliance with the requirements of transparency and accountability, but also serves as an institutional forum where people can conduct a detailed public audit of all NREGA works that have been carried out in their area since the inception of the Scheme.
The Social Audit Process
Social Audits are conducted for most part by literate youth (men and women) from the laborers families. The process begins with -
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